Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday morning visited Virender Arya Akhara in Haryana’s Jhajjar district and interacted with the wrestlers including Bajrang Punia. The visit comes amid a fresh row over the Wrestling Foundation of India. The sports ministry suspended the WFI after WFI’s new president Sanjay Singh announced the hosting of the U-15 and U-20 nationals by the end of this year. Wrestlers who accused former WFI president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of sexual harassment were miffed over the election of Sanjay Singh as Sanjay Singh is very close to Brij Bhushan. In protest, Sakshi Malik announced her retirement from wrestling, Bajrang Punia returned his Padma Shri and Vinesh Phogat announced she would return her Khel Ratna and Arjuna Award.
Bajrang Punia said Rahul Gandhi exercised with him and tried his hand at wrestling with Bajrang. “He came to see what is the day-to-day life of a wrestler,” Bajrang said adding that Rahul Gandhi shot a video at the akara for his YouTube channel.
Sakshi Malik’s announcement of retirement after BJP MP Brij Bhushan’s close aide Sanjay Singh was elected as the chief of the wrestling federation became a political flash point. Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra went to Sakshi Malik’s residence to visit her after she announced her exit from wrestling.
BJP MP Brij Bhushan washed his hands off the ongoing WFI controversy and said the moment Sanjay Singh was elected the chief of the federation, Brij Bhushan retired from wrestling. He said Sanjay Singh is his close, but not his relative and whatever happens to the federation now is between the federation and the government; Brij Bhushan’s focus is now the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
Rahul Gandhi reached the akhara at 6.15am, coach Virendra Arya told news agency ANI. They were not aware of Rahul Gandhi’s visit, they said. “He told us about his sport and asked us about wrestling. he had roti and saag with us,” a wrestler said.
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