New Delhi: The law enforcement authorities in Delhi on Tuesday evening received a call reporting a loud sound near the Israel Embassy. The Delhi Police’s security and forensics teams are on the spot investigating the incident. Meanwhile, an Israeli Embassy spokesperson gave his first reaction to the matter.
Guy Nir told the news agency Reuters that a ‘blast’ occurred near the embassy in the Indian capital on Tuesday evening. All of its staff were unharmed following the explosion.
“We can confirm that around 5:20 there was a blast at close proximity to the embassy,” Israeli Embassy spokesperson Guy Nir told the agency.
Israeli authorities were cooperating with their Indian counterparts to investigate the cause of the explosion, he added.
Deputy Ambassador of Israel to India, Ohad Nakash Kaynar, said: “This is evening several minutes after 5, an explosion occurred in close proximity of the Embassy. All our diplomats and workers are safe. Our security teams are working in full cooperation with local Delhi security and they will investigate the matter further.”
An eye-witness told the Indian media that he also heard a loud sound.
“This happened around 5 pm, I was on my duty and heard a huge sound. When I came out, I saw smoke coming from the top of a tree, that’s all I saw…The police have taken my statement,” he said.
The incident happened in the Chanakyapuri area. The Delhi Fire Services received the information first at around 5 pm.
“So far nothing has been found at the location,” Atul Garg, Director, Delhi Fire Services said.
A team of Delhi Police’s Special Cell has also arrived at the spot. The area around the Israel Embassy has been cordoned off and security personnel have been deployed.
Police officials told PTI said that they are searching each and every corner of the area. No explosive has been found so far and the search operation is still underway.
This comes two years after a low-intensity blast outside the Embassy rocked the national capital. No person sustained any injury in the 2021 blast. Israel had blamed Iran for the incident. The National Investigation Agency has been investigating the case.
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