Chhattisgarh chief minister Vishnu Deo Sai has fulfilled the third promise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government after he disbursed ₹3716 crore into the bank accounts of over 12 lakh farmers as a pending bonus of two years for paddy procurement. He also announced to procure paddy up to 21 quintals per acre and assured to extend the period, if needed, for procuring paddy at the support price.
“Under Modi’s guarantee, we had promised to pay the pending bonus of two years for paddy procurement, and our government has fulfilled this promise today on Atal Ji’s birth anniversary, which is celebrated as Good Governance Day. Our actions speak louder than words. Not only the state but the entire nation has trusted Modi’s guarantee,” he said.
Describing the day as historic, he shared that the bonus had reached the bank accounts of farmers.
Some of the farmers have received more than ₹2 lakh in their bank accounts as a bonus. He announced that his government would uphold all commitments made to the state’s people.
Sai shared that the newly formed government has approved the construction of houses for 18 lakh families under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. This decision aims to address the housing needs of those who were previously excluded. Individuals who started the construction after receiving the first installment but faced challenges in completing it due to missing subsequent payments will now be accommodated.
He announced that his government would fulfil all the promises in the coming 5 years that were made under Modi’s guarantee. He shared that his cabinet has made the appropriate provision in the supplementary budget to deposit ₹1000 in the accounts of married women under the Mahatari Vandan Yojana. The Ujjwala Yojana will be expanded to provide cylinders at ₹500 to gas card-holding families. Additionally, the state government will provide ₹10,000 annually to landless agricultural labourers in the state. He also shared that the state government has planned to fill one lakh vacant posts across various departments.
The chief minister announced that his government would procure tendupatta at ₹5500 per standard bag and would restart various beneficial schemes like Charan Paduka, etc. The Ayushman Bharat Yojana will provide an enhanced treatment facility of up to ₹10 lakh, providing substantial relief for medical expenses.
Deputy chief minister Vijay Sharma highlighted past advancements, including rural road connectivity and farmers obtaining credit cards. He stated that the state government has provided the two-year pending bonus for paddy under Modi’s guarantee on the occasion of Good Governance Day.
The chief minister also interacted with farmers and discussed bonus deposits
During a video conferencing session with farmers from different districts, the chief minister engaged directly with farmers and asked about the recent bonus deposits.
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